Faka-Talofa atu
Population Estimates
Quarter 3, 2024
Average Inflation Rate
Quarter 3, 2024
Real GDP
2021 Preliminary
Latest News
Tuvalu Household Income & Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2022-23
The Central Statistics Division conducted the Long Form Census (LFC) in 2022 and completed the fieldwork in 2023. The LFC combined two stand-alone data collection activities: the Population and Housing Census (PHC) and the Household Income and Expenditure Survey. As...
Social Statistics Release 5-24
Migration Visitor Arrivals Total arrivals for the first quarter of 2024 were 1,739, a 16 percent decrease from the total arrivals recorded for the fourth quarter of 2023. The month with the highest arrivals was January. The total number of visitors for the first...
Consumer Price Index
SUMMARY The quarterly inflation rate for the second quarter of 2024 was -0.1 percent compared to 0.5 percent for the first quarter of the same year. The annual inflation rate was 3.2 percent for the second quarter of 2024 compared to 3.9 percent for the first quarter...
Social Statistics Release
Migration Visitor Arrivals The total number of visitors for 2023 was 3,136. Visitors increased 10-fold (1,185 percent) in 2023 compared to 2022. This increase is due to the lifting of travel restrictions in 2023. Most of the visitors arrived in the country were males...
International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)
The International Merchandise Trade (IMTS) statistics provides information on Tuvalu’s exports, re-exports and imports of goods between Tuvalu, and the rest of the world. The administrative data used to compile the release is supplied by the Tuvalu Customs department...